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And in my spare time I read:


2007-06-04 - 12:46 p.m.

Who Needs School?

My favourite current theory about schools, as I've said before, is simply that the more you pay to send your children to school, the less time they actually spend at school.

Today is a good example. Last week, it was half-term holiday. No school. With great delight I looked forward to today, Monday, when I would send them back to school and have some quiet time to organize.

HAH! I forgot that today is the school swimming meet and all children must be collected at NOON. What a joke. Why get them all ready for 9 to pick them up at noon so that they can eat lunch HERE, and then change into swimming things so that I can take them to the pool for 1pm. HAH! Then I get to entertain Nicole in the stands for 2 hours while the badly organized swim meet takes place.

You see, I have been to these things before. The school is excellent for many things, but organizing efficiently run sports events is not one of them. Especially because many of the children cannot swim, and this being the brave new world, not being able to do something competently in no way inhibits your chance of participating. I will have to write a second entry about the non-swimmers' races.

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