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And in my spare time I read:


2007-06-04 - 9:03 p.m.

Maybe it is Hogwarts

My sister likes to tease me that my children go to Hogwarts. I think that is because from an American point of view, their uniforms are rather like those used in the Harry Potter films. Of course, the school is not Hogwarts, but...

The Headmistress of the school is the head of one House, and her daughter is the deputy head. This house has by far and away the lion's share of athletes in the school. The other two Houses have well-rounded members, but in no way can compete with the first House.

At the school swimming meet today, the Blue House (change the names to protect the innocent) racked up more than twice the points of the Yellow House and more than a third more than the Red House.

We belong to the Yellow House. When Ben declared (as he does after every sporting event) that the House system is not fair, I agreed, but added that really, he should think about the Blue House as Gryffindor. Pretty much nothing anyone else can do is going to have any effect, and they'll probably get 100 extra points just for being Blue.

That seemed to appease his sense of injustice. With a bit of luck, in his senior school, there won't be a Gryffindor.

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