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And in my spare time I read:


2007-05-09 - 8:00 p.m.

Short Rant

I would like to have a little rant about car parking. I no longer walk with my children to school, as it would take approximately 45 minutes each way, which is a big chunk of my morning and I think the 4 year old would complain. There are no buses that go from here to there. I drive my kids to school, which enough people can rant about in their own time.

But when I get to the school, I am forced to leave the road the school is on a good 4 streets down to find our always empty, legal parking space. This space is no more than a 5 minute walk to the school. Every morning, we pass 20 or more cars parked on the sidewalk, on yellow lines, on the corner of the road where it joins the main road and blocking driveways. In fact, so many people park illegally that it is impossible to actually drive past the school. And every morning, our space is empty. We all call it "our space" because it is clearly abhorrent to the other drivers. Parking wardens are abundant, and tickets are all $100US so no small change.

The only good side of this is that now all three children say in loud voices "Look! That person has parked in the WRONG space!" My personal favorite is the black BMW that parks each morning, straddling the sidewalk, smack dab underneath the NO PARKING BETWEEN 6:30am and 8:30pm, MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY sign. I have clocked a whopping 10 tickets given to this car. That's $1,000 by my calculations, in less than a year.

ok that's my rant.

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