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And in my spare time I read:


2007-05-09 - 2:12 p.m.

Wednesdays are full of woe

for the last year, Wednesdays have been particularly difficult to organize. Wednesday is scout night - the Beavers start at 5:15, the Cubs at 6:30, the Scouts at 7:45. I run the Beaver section (Sam is one of mine, and Ben sits by the side reading or doing homework while Nicole runs around ignoring the toys she has brought in favour of participating in whatever activity we have thought up). This in and of itself is not complicated - no one expects a much for dinner on Wednesdays. However since September, cross country practice has been from 3:45-4:45 after school on Wednesdays.

This meant that I had to book over to the park and stay while the boys ran cross county and Nicole ate in the car, then book over to the hall for Scouts with Sam eating all the way. Ben could eat while we were at Beaver Scouts.

Hoorah! Cross country season ended, and Ben went up to Scouts (7:45 start). This meant that we had an hour to get home, eat, change and book up to the hall, and Ben had some down time as he used to be at the hall from 5pm-7:45.

No. This year some bright spark has decided that the cross country squad would benefit from track practice. On Wednesdays. From 3:45-4:45. AHHHHHHHH.

So at 2:20pm I am organized. Sandwiches, fruit, cakes and drinks are in the picnic bag. Sam's uniform and mine are in the car. Nicole's dollshouse is in the car. 25 half-made beaver clipboards in the car (the fine activity this evening), plus all the normal stuff I drag up to the hall.

I am starting to get that knotted feeling in my stomach when I wake up on Wednesdays. I hope that it will pass.

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